“Explore the world through music”
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Music and Sensory Development for Ages 0-7
Researchers claim that music is one of the only activities which stimulates all parts of the brain simultaneously so Musical Kids has developed a program in which offers music as the vehicle for stimulating and brain building activities for families with children aged 0 -5 years
A child's preschool years are spent enhancing all the wonderful skills they have learned so far, neuro pathways are being wired every second and whether or not those are enhanced through repetition these pathways gain strength or can weaken and fall away.
There are some small and some larger windows of opportunity to enhance what is already happening in your child’s brain every second. We would like to offer the ‘right’ activities to your child so as to enhance learning and development while these windows are open and the brain is most fertile for wiring.
Rather than ‘teaching’, Musical Kids offer experiences and opportunities for children to explore their environment in many different stimulating ways, but always with music as the delivery vehicle, and yes they will naturally become very musical kids, with the natural rhythm and music abilities they already have just waiting to be nurtured.
Here are some examples of how Musical Kids offers experiences to enhance your child’s already occurring development and achieve their full potential.
Bounce Boogey and BeeBop 12 Week Program Includes:
Singing, learning lyrics and writing their own songs
Movement and dance
Themed Topics
Language and Listening Exercises (everyday sounds around us)
Introduction to Foreign Languages
Instrument Exploration
Multi-Sensory Experiences
Vocal Play Exercises
Making Music with everyday objects
Relaxation Time
Communication Exercise
Rhythm Exercises
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