“Explore the world through music”
CALL US: 1-403-556-9243
Music and Sensory Development for Ages 0-7
Cuddle, Wiggle, Serenade
Program for Infant 0-1
There is so much happening in the brains of infants and from the time they are born to 1 year, they learn so much of the necessities they will need to achieve success in the years to follow. We may sometimes forget how important it is to offer variety of stimuli to our young babies. Their brains are developming at a rapid speed, giving us windows of opportunity to reach their full potential in all areas. Our goal in this program is to offer experiences in which enhance the developement that is already happening in them every minute of everyday, also offering tools and exercises for parents to continue music and learning at home.
The following are some examples of what we offer in our infant class:
Instrument exploration
Movement and dance
Language and Listening Exercises
Introduction to Sign Language
Multi-Sensory Experiences
Vocal Play
Cuddle Time/Introduction to baby massage
Movement and Coordination Exercises
Tummy Time Topics (daily discussion topics on bringing up baby)
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